Who can get Social Security Disability Insurance (SSD)?
A person must have enough work credits to qualify. One must prove his/her disability with medical records and meet the government’s definition of disability, according to the North West Herald.
SSD is paid to the disabled/insured who have contributed to the Social Security Trust Fund through their past payroll contributions.
Are SSD benefits affected if the recipient works and earns money?
According to the Seattle Times, it depends on how much a person makes. Social Security has special rules called “work incentives” that help a person keep his/her cash benefits and Medicare while they test their ability to work.
There is a trial work period where the recipient can receive full benefits as long as s/he reports their work activity and continues to have a disabling impairment.
Is there a time limit for how long one can receive SSD benefits?
SSD benefits continue as long as a person’s medical condition has not improved, and she or he cannot work. Each claim will be reviewed at regular intervals to make sure that the person is still disabled.
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If you need help with your Social Security Disability benefits, contact the Social Security Disability lawyers at Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin.
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