November 15, 2013
There are millions of people throughout the United States who are left unable to work due to a mental or physical condition they suffer from. The number of individuals receiving benefits for mental health conditions, such as Depression Disability Benefits, has only risen dramatically in recent decades though.
According to a recent study, conducted by the World Health Organization and released in the journal PLOS, depression is the second most common cause of disability in the world today. Furthermore, experts tend to believe the findings show the importance of countries treating mental health as a top priority while implementing strategies to reduce burden.
The team examined data culminated from around the world and determined that women tended to be more likely to suffer from depression than men. Different rates of depression were also recorded in different nations, with Afghanistan reporting the highest rates of depression and Japan experiencing the lowest rates.
For those suffering from depression in the United States though, help is available through Social Security disability benefits; however, the claimant must meet certain criteria in order for their claim to be approved. The Social Security Administration will examine the claimant’s work history, medical records, and other documentation to determine if an individual is eligible for benefits.
The Social Security Disability Lawyers with Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin explain the process for determining such eligibility can be quite complex. That is why the firm urges anyone considering filing a disability claim to discuss their case with an attorney.
Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin
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