October 21, 2013
There are many conditions that can qualify an individual for Social Security Disability Benefits, but one of the most common is blindness or visual impairment. Data from the National Federation for the Blind estimates there are roughly 6.6 million American citizens who suffer from a visual impairment.
Blindness can be caused by a number of accidents and conditions, including:
Experts say that roughly 3 percent of the blind live below the poverty line, and may require Social Security Disability benefits as a source of income. In order to qualify for these benefits though, claimants must meet certain requirements. First, the recipient must have worked long enough and paid into the system enough to collect benefits. The individual must also have their vision professionally tested in order to determine whether or not the claimant’s vision can be qualified as disabling.
Those with vision issues may also qualify for a program called Supplemental Security Income. The program is need-based and does not require a work history in order to be eligible.
The Social Security Administration also offers several other services and benefit programs to the blind, including notices printed in brail.
The Social Security Disability Lawyers with Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin understand how debilitating a loss of vision can be. The firm is here to help anyone who is blind and considering applying for disability benefits.
Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin
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