The Social Security Administration has been working to implement a computerized Social Security Disability claim processing system that would improve efficiency. But a new report has been released which states the new program has been a failure while offering several suggestions for improvement.
The Baltimore Sun reports that Lockheed Martin was in charge of designing the $300 million web-based system to eliminate the need for the Social Security Administration to maintain 54 unique processing systems. Since the new system has been implemented, the number of unprocessed Social Security Disability claims has continued to grow. In fact, 660,000 claims had not received initial decisions after more than the 110-day processing goal as of June 2014.
The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee released the findings by management firm McKinsey & Co. and called for a number of recommendations to be followed, including hiring an executive leader to the system up to speed.
Until the system is fixed, many disabled individuals will be left wondering what they can do to help expedite the processing of their claims.
Hiring a Social Security Disability lawyer may prove beneficial to many claimants. At Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin, we’ve helped many disabled citizens get the benefits they’re entitled to and may be able to do the same for you. Call us anytime to discuss your claim.
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