According to the Huffington Post, election-day polls found that many Americans call cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security “unacceptable.”
A total of 15 senators have signed a letter to President Obama. Written by Senators Harkin and Rockefeller, the letter urges the president to reject any deal not guided by the following principles:
1. A deficit reduction should not kill jobs. Before deficits, investment in growth should be the priority.
2. Any deal must include significant revenues, ending the tax cuts for the wealthiest two percent and closing tax loopholes benefiting corporations.
3. Any deal must protect Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security benefits.
4. Any deal must reduce income inequality and protect the most vulnerable Americans.
5. A deficit deal must be transparent with plenty of time for all groups to respond.
Among other groups, the AFL-CIO, the SEIU, the Campaign for America’s Future, MoveOn, and the Center for Community Change ran a letter in the Washington Post on November 8 that said, “The best way to reduce the deficit is to put people back to work and get our economy going again.”
They urged the president and Congress to “keep the election results in mind and resist budget cuts that slow our economy and hurt families.”
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