It can be super confusing to navigate the many rules and regulations on which Social Security and Social Security Disability are built. Let the Social Security Disability lawyers at Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin help. Here are five all-too-common myths about Social Security:
1) Social Security benefits are denied the first time you apply for them.
The truth is that more than half of initial claims for benefits are denied the first go-round, but if you appeal for benefits you’ll have a better chance of being approved.
2) You cannot work if you receive Social Security benefits.
If you have a disability, vocational programs like Ticket to Work and PASS allow you to work and continue to receive your benefits.
3) If you already get Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits you can’t qualify for other benefits.
Actually if you’re eligible to receive SSI benefits, you’ll also qualify for Medicaid, which helps alleviate medical costs and supplies food stamps.
4) If you receive Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits you can’t get Medicare.
You have to have been receiving your SSD benefits for 24 months before you’ll be eligible, but otherwise—so long as you’re 65 or older—Medicare will be available to you if you qualify.
5) If your doctor gives you a statement saying you’re disabled you’ll automatically qualify for benefits.
The Social Security Administration (SSA) will take your doctor’s statement into consideration, but there are also a number of other guidelines used in the decision-making process.
Do you find it difficult to understand the Social Security and/or Social Security Disability programs?
If you need help with your Social Security benefits, contact the Social Security Disability lawyers at Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin.
Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin
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