In any scenario where an adult’s careless or reckless behavior causes a child to suffer undue harm is a devastating experience for everyone involved, but especially for the child and their family. Major injuries to a child can have lasting repercussions.
Many different types of accidents and neglect can lead to a child injury. In any case, a successful personal injury claim could help you and your child receive financial compensation to help repair the damage that’s been done.
Retaining a skilled Terre Haute child injury lawyer could make a substantial difference in your ability to navigate these difficult situations. Let us handle the legal process, so you can focus on your family’s healing.
Children may become injured when a supervising adult is irresponsible and makes poor choices. If someone owed a duty of care to protect your child from harm, breached that care, and caused your child’s injury as a result, a personal injury claim may be the best way to obtain monetary compensation.
A child injury can happen in any number of ways, but common accident scenarios involving children in Terre Haute include:
Each situation will have different defendants and, therefore, different courses of action. For example, defective car seats, cribs, and toys may warrant civil litigation against a manufacturer, whereas school or daycare injuries may be actionable against the facilities and institutions themselves.
Children under the age of 18 are not permitted to file a claim for injuries on their own behalf. A child injury case must instead be filed by their parent or legal guardian. A knowledgeable legal advocate in Terre Haute could properly represent your and your child’s interests both in and out of court.
The representative will help move the case forward and stand in for the child in many situations, especially if the child is very young. In addition to the injuries your child suffered, you likely suffered due to your child’s injuries and may be entitled to financial compensation for that emotional distress. Lost time at work, emotional suffering from seeing your child in pain, and much more may be recoverable in a successful child injury lawsuit.
When a person under the age of 18 is injured and qualifies for civil litigation, Indiana Code §34-11-2-4 tolls the usual two-year filing deadline until the child turns 18. This means the time will begin to run once the child turns 18, and they will have until their 20th birthday to file suit. However, it is better not to wait. Evidence is usually stronger when it is new and may otherwise be lost or destroyed over time.
You and your child deserve the best advocacy available. Understanding your legal rights will help you make the right decisions and give you the best chance of obtaining compensation.
An experienced Terre Haute child injury lawyer is prepared to assist you through the entire process. Contact us today for assistance in your case.
Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin
The financial burden that often comes with a serious injury can be too much for many people to bear. Unexpected medical debt, damaged personal property, and the sudden loss of income can impact the budgets of most families. The good news is that a successful injury claim could help reduce that financial strain after a serious accident. Get in touch with a Terre Haute personal injury lawyer with Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin to learn more.
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