An aging population of workers combined with a reduction in the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) workforce has taken it’s toll on both funding and the agency’s ability to process new claims.
The SSA is taking steps to address these problems, but some feel their proposed plans may not make getting Social Security disability benefits any easier.
The SSA’s Vision 2025 plan calls for a majority of the agency’s field offices to be closed in order to transition to an online processing format. So far, as many as 80 SSA offices have shut their doors.
The Huffington Post explains another major change is the downsizing of the SSA’s workforce by as many as 30,000 employees. This leaves applicants dependent on a faceless system to make major decisions about their finances.
Some applicants may be savvy enough to navigate the new system, but others have severe disabilities or little computer knowledge. This leaves many applicants unable to navigate the online application process.
The Social Security Disability attorneys with Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin point out these are just a few of the reasons it’s crucial to have legal representation by your side while applying for Social Security Disability benefits. If you are struggling with your Social Security Disability claim, we are here to help.
Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin
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