If you become disabled and unable to work, your ability to provide for yourself and your family can feel at risk. But if you’ve been paying into the Social Security system, you may be eligible to receive benefits before retirement age. Under certain circumstances, your spouse and child may also be eligible for Social Security benefits when you become disabled.
To qualify for disability benefits, you must have worked while paying into social security for a certain number of years, depending on your age. For example, if you become disabled at 35, you will need to have worked while paying into social security for at least five years, while if you become disabled at 50, you will need to have contributed for at least seven years. Additionally, your disability must be expected to last for more than a year and interfere with your ability to perform basic work activities. If you become disabled, we recommend applying for benefits immediately, as processing an application may take several months.
The Social Security Disability application process can be complicated, and the requirements are very strict. According to a 2017 study, only 42% of surveyed applications were accepted. But in that same survey, those who used an attorney were nearly twice as likely to receive benefits as those who didn’t. If your application has been denied, hiring an attorney could improve your chances of approval on appeal.
When you hire our national social disability attorneys, we can take care of the paperwork, build a case for your disability, and communicate with the SSA on your behalf, including throughout the appeals process.
You don’t have to deal with the stress of applying for disability benefits alone. Let the experienced attorneys at Fleschner Law help you get the compensation you deserve. If we don’t get your application approved, you don’t pay. Contact us today for a free case review.
Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin
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