Estimates from the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center show that as many as 34 people will suffer a serious spinal cord injury each day. It’s no secret that the sooner this type of injury is diagnosed and treated, the higher the likelihood the patient will fully recover; however, data indicates many older patients are waiting longer to receive the care they need for a spinal cord injury and it could be the result of negligent care.
A study published earlier this month in the Canadian Medical Association Journal examined the cases of 1,440 patients who had suffered a spinal cord injury. According to an article from The Hamilton Spectator, researchers concluded a significantly greater number of senior patients die in hospitals after sustaining spinal cord injury, even though they have less severe injuries than younger patients.
Experts who led the team believe there could be several factors that could be leading to this particular issue. It could be the patient’s unwillingness to undergo the necessary treatment. It could be the doctor’s negligence in prioritizing patient care to treat younger injury victims or simply chalking up an elderly patient’s symptoms to being due to “old age.”
Regardless of your age or injury, you have a right to quality medical care and our Terre Haute personal injury attorneys with Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin are here to help. Learn more about how we can help by visiting our website.
Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin
N/aThe financial burden that often comes with a serious injury can be too much for many people to bear. Unexpected medical debt, damaged personal property, and the sudden loss of income can impact the budgets of most families. The good news is that a successful injury claim could help reduce that financial strain after a serious accident. Get in touch with a Terre Haute personal injury lawyer with Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin to learn more.
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