
Police Chief awarded $2.1 million for Urbana-Champaign brain injury

July 31, 2008

According to The Herald-Review, an Illinois Police Chief was awarded $2.1 million in damages for his Urbana-Champaign brain injury, which he incurred while setting up for a police training exercise.

The Urbana-Champaign brain injury occurred when the Police Chief fell from the second floor of a building where a stairwell had been previously removed. The Police Chief reported in his Urbana-Champaign brain injury lawsuit that no signs or barricades warning of the staircase removal were present on the day of his accident.

Along with suffering from an Illinois brain injury, the Police Chief also suffered an inner ear injury, fractures to three vertebrae, a torn rotator cuff, a torn bicep, and a broken left clavicle.

The Police Chief has gone through extensive rehabilitation, but as a result of his Urbana-Champaign brain injury and his other injuries, the victim still has back pains, ringing in his ear, and an impairment of taste.

Reach out to a Terre Haute Personal Injury Attorney Today

The financial burden that often comes with a serious injury can be too much for many people to bear. Unexpected medical debt, damaged personal property, and the sudden loss of income can impact the budgets of most families. The good news is that a successful injury claim could help reduce that financial strain after a serious accident. Get in touch with a Terre Haute personal injury lawyer with Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin to learn more.

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