It’s tax season again and even recipients of Social Security Disability benefits have to account for all of the income their household brought in over the past year—including their benefits. Gathering the paperwork that documents your income from the Social Security Administration has proven to be a tedious task in the past, but a new automated system may provide some relief.
A press release from the SSA’s Acting Commissioner, Carolyn W. Colvin, states that Social Security recipients who need the SSA-1099 form that provides an annual benefit statement for tax purposes can now be obtained through the My Social Security portal. Simply sign up for a My Social Security account and you will have access to your tax documents, as well as benefit statements for current and future earnings.
Previously, if a recipient of Social Security Disability benefits lost their SSA-1099 form, they would have to visit their local Social Security Administration office and speak with a claims adjustor to receive a copy of the document. Now, the ability to obtain this document is at the touch of your fingers from the privacy of your own home.
At Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin, our Social Security Disability lawyers believe having a My Social Security account is something everyone should consider because we know how crucial having access to documents and benefit information can be. That’s why we encourage you to go online and sign up for a My Social Security account today.
Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin
The financial burden that often comes with a serious injury can be too much for many people to bear. Unexpected medical debt, damaged personal property, and the sudden loss of income can impact the budgets of most families. The good news is that a successful injury claim could help reduce that financial strain after a serious accident. Get in touch with a Terre Haute personal injury lawyer with Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin to learn more.
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