In recent years, a growing amount of information has been discovered that shows the long-term effects repeat traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can have on a victim. The National Football League recently reached a multi-million dollar settlement with a number of current and former players regarding the league’s failure to inform them of these dangers. Now, the Indiana Brain Injury Lawyers with Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin point out a new study is showing TBI victims may be at an increased chance of dying at a young age.
An article from CBS News explains that a team of researchers followed the cases of 218,300 individuals who sustained a TBI other than a concussion between the years of 1969 and 2009. They were able to conclude those who had suffered an injury to the brain were as much as three times more likely to die as the result of suicide or an accident before the age of 56-years-old, as compared to a control group who had not sustained a TBI. Furthermore, those suffered both a TBI and a psychiatric disorder prior to the injury occurring was at a risk twenty times higher than that of the control group.
The law firm’s team of Indiana Personal Injury Lawyers is aware of how difficult the recovery process following a TBI can be. That is why the firm encourages anyone who has been seriously harmed by an injury to the brain to discuss their legal options with a reputable attorney immediately.
Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin
N/aThe financial burden that often comes with a serious injury can be too much for many people to bear. Unexpected medical debt, damaged personal property, and the sudden loss of income can impact the budgets of most families. The good news is that a successful injury claim could help reduce that financial strain after a serious accident. Get in touch with a Terre Haute personal injury lawyer with Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin to learn more.
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