December 21, 2012
Millions of Americans who receive Social Security Disability benefits want to work, reports Picket News. Ticket to Work is a free, voluntary program that helps people find employment. Those who receive Supplemental Security Income or Social Security Disability can begin jobs while keeping some of their benefits.
For one woman, it was more than just a ticket to work. After being diagnosed with cancer and losing her job due to downsizing, she had gone on Social Security Disability Insurance.
A year later, with her cancer in remission, she learned about the Iowa Development Workforce Center and her local American Job Center.
The staff was able to provide her with advice about disability benefits and employment and “Work Incentives,” which are intended to help people who receive disability benefits transition to the workforce.
The woman also found out that during the Trial Work Period, recipients of SSDI can keep their Medicare coverage and their cash benefits. She also learned that if she has to stop work because of her disability, she may be able to restart her Social Security benefits without a new application.
Eventually, the woman did find work. Grateful that Social Security helped her “get through the storm,” she acknowledged that she was pleased to take control of her life, to become financially self-sufficient, and to leave the benefits behind.
If you or someone you know needs help with Social Security Disability benefits, contact the Social Security Disability lawyers at Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin.
Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin
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