Although divorce is often depicted in TV dramas and movies as a long, drawn-out, and emotionally charged affair, it doesn’t always happen that way. Sometimes, married couples decide to split amicably. In other cases, both sides simply agree on most or all of the terms of their divorce from the beginning, leading to little or no pushback from either spouse.
Uncontested divorces wrap up faster, are more streamlined, and often much less stressful than contested divorces. Couples who proceed with uncontested divorces can move on with their lives more quickly, but this type of divorce procedure still isn’t a “do-it-yourself” scenario.
It’s important to never take anything for granted in divorce. Even if you think your spouse is on your side and you’re working together towards an easy, uncontested split, things can quickly change.
For example, your spouse may have their own lawyer who may suggest a course of action that can blindside you. Without legal representation of your own, you may be unable to effectively respond or renegotiate the proposed terms.
At Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin, we believe that experienced family law attorneys are essential in all types of divorce, whether they’re textbook uncontested divorces, or messy, drawn-out legal proceedings. Don’t get caught off guard—call a lawyer as soon as you know or even suspect your marriage is ending.
Uncontested divorces are more common among couples who haven’t been married long, who don’t share many assets, and who don’t have children. In addition, they’re also more likely to be an option for couples who are divorcing amicably. If the divorce is agreed upon but there are outstanding financial or family issues, such as child support payments, child custody, or alimony, an uncontested divorce may be out of the question.
As mentioned above, uncontested divorces are the preferred method for dissolving marriages where both spouses agree on big picture items and financial terms. When there’s less need for the legal system to get involved, there’s less cost overall. That can mean both reduced court costs and administrative fees, and less time away from work.
On the other hand, the simplicity and ease of an uncontested divorce should never come ahead of important issues. For example, child custody and support issues can be extremely impactful for years to come. These should be carefully discussed and negotiated. Quickly agreeing to terms without thinking them through just to save a little time and money in the moment is a mistake—always consider the long-term consequences first.
Even the most amicable divorces can lead to major disruptions in your daily life, especially when significant assets and children are involved. Having a lawyer on your side can give you peace of mind. You’ll know you aren’t being taken advantage of or have missed important paperwork, binding agreements, and legal ramifications.
Our Indiana and Illinois family law attorneys have helped many people going through both contested and uncontested divorces, and we know how to protect your rights. Don’t risk a divorce that’s both unfavorable and unfair to you. Contact us today for a free consultation.
Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin
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