When emergencies like car accidents arise, people often 911 for emergency services. And now, people in Vigo County can send a text to 911 for help.
According to a story from WTHITV 10 News, the ability to text 911 responders begins today in Vigo County. This application will be especially useful in dealing with emergencies involving the deaf or individuals who cannot speak, such as stroke victims.
The service is available in other areas of Indiana and its surrounding states. Experts are reminding citizens that, while the texting capability may be useful in certain circumstances, it’s important to call 911 in the event of an emergency if you are able to speak. This is because talking is an easier way for responders to gather vital information regarding your situation.
At Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin, our team of Terre Haute personal injury lawyers understand the importance of a quick response to an emergency situation and applaud Vigo County for providing more efficient means of seeking emergency assistance. The firm encourages citizens to keep the option of texting 911 in mind in the event of future emergencies as well.
Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin
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