Every working United States citizen is entitled to collect credits toward Social Security Disability and retirement benefits. The Social Security Disability lawyers with Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin explain these earnings are recorded using your Social Security number. However, many people wonder how this number is determined and what happens to it after you pass.
An article from Gizmodo examined both of these questions and explained Social Security numbers were once determined based on the location of your birth. For instance, if you were born in the state of New Hampshire before 1973, the first three digits of your Social Security number would be between 001 and 003. Beginning in June 2011, the numbers began being randomly assigned from the Social Security Administration’s office in Maryland.
Based on the number of digits in each Social Security number, there are only around 1 billion unique combinations that can be used. This presents a conundrum as our population grows along side the number of used combinations. Currently, Social Security numbers aren’t recycled. Instead, it’s more likely that a digit will be added to Social Security numbers when unique combinations begin to run low.
If you have questions about Social Security Disability credits associated with your Social Security number, the legal team at Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin may be able to help. To learn more about how we can assist you, call us at (800) 477-7315 today.
Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin
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