Sidewalks are convenient for pedestrians and cyclists and can help keep them safe from motorists. Some are on private property, while others are maintained by local governments. These parties have a duty to address any dangerous hazards to protect the public from injury. However, these individuals and entities do not always meet that obligation.
If you sustained injuries in a sidewalk slip and fall accident in Terre Haute, now is the time to act. A skilled slip and fall injury attorney can identify who is responsible for the sidewalk and help you build a viable case for compensation.
There are plenty of factors that might lead to a slip, trip, or fall accident on a Terre Haute sidewalk. Any defect or unsafe premises that causes a person to lose their balance could result in a viable civil lawsuit.
Anything from pavement to tiles can lead to a fall if they are uneven. Like potholes, a person might trip or lose their balance after incorrectly gauging a drop-off. Sidewalks are known for breaking down over time, increasing the risk of an incident.
Liquids are among the most common causes of fall accidents. When sidewalks are wet, it becomes substantially more accessible for a person to slip and fall. This is common when snow or ice accumulates on a sidewalk, but it can also happen when water or other liquids are spilled.
Low or inadequate lighting is another factor to be aware of. Even when there are no physical hazards, tripping and falling accidents are more likely if it is too dark and vision is limited.
After falling or slipping on the sidewalk, a lawsuit against a property owner for the accident in Terre Haute may be possible. Whether or not they are liable will depend on different factors. These individuals and entities may be liable if they had notice of the hazard and failed to take reasonable steps to address it.
Notice can come in different forms. In addition to being directly aware of a dangerous issue, a property owner could also have constructive notice by being in a situation where they should have known about the hazard.
Also significant is an owner’s reaction to danger once they are aware of it. A court could find them to have acted reasonably if they worked to address it or warn visitors right away. The more time that passes after being notified and not taking action, the less likely a court will find the defendant to have acted reasonably.
You may be entitled to financial compensation if you sustained injuries in a sidewalk slip and fall accident in Terre Haute. The proper legal counsel can ensure you file your lawsuit on time and identify each of the potential defendants in your case.
Contact an experienced attorney at Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin as soon as possible to discuss your options. We would be happy to schedule a private free consultation at your convenience.
Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin
The financial burden that often comes with a serious injury can be too much for many people to bear. Unexpected medical debt, damaged personal property, and the sudden loss of income can impact the budgets of most families. The good news is that a successful injury claim could help reduce that financial strain after a serious accident. Get in touch with a Terre Haute personal injury lawyer with Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin to learn more.
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