Brownsburg Wrongful Death Lawyer

The unexpected death of a loved one is a shocking and traumatic experience that leaves spouses, children, and other relatives with an unavoidable grief. The loss can be even more heartbreaking when another person is responsible for causing the death through their neglect or misconduct. In these cases, you may wish to seek the counsel of a Brownsburg wrongful death lawyer about a potential civil claim to recover compensation that can help your family in the years to come.

You should not be handling complicated legal claims in your time of need, so call the compassionate personal injury attorneys at Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin.

What Is a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

A wrongful death lawsuit is a civil action against another person, business, or organization for their role in causing someone’s death. Liability for wrongful death will depend on the circumstances of an incident but could involve the following types of cases:

The cause of death can make it difficult to identify if a civil claim is available. However, an experienced wrongful death lawyer in Brownsburg can help surviving families review relevant evidence and reports to evaluate the potential liability of another party. Expert medical professionals may also be necessary to fully determine the possibility of a wrongful death action.

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

Indiana Code § 34-23-1-1 allows the personal representative of a deceased person’s estate to bring a wrongful death lawsuit in court. The individual named as the personal representative will depend on whether the victim appointed one in an estate plan or if the appointment will follow the priority established under the state’s probate code. Like other personal injury lawsuits, Indiana has a statute of limitations to file a wrongful death claim on behalf of an estate in Brownsburg. The filing deadline generally begins to accrue on the date of the person’s death.

Recoverable Damages in a Wrongful Death Claim

Compensation recovered for damages in wrongful death lawsuits go to the benefit of a person’s surviving spouse, dependent children, and other dependent family. Examples of compensation that may be available in a claim include hospital expenses, funeral and burial costs, and the loss of the person’s love and companionship. The amount of compensation recovered in a Brownsburg wrongful death case will also depend on whether the deceased person has any contributory fault for the cause of death. This means the plaintiff may have been negligent in addition to the defendant(s). Contributory fault in a wrongful death case can either reduce compensation to surviving family, or can prevent any recovery at all if the fault is greater than 50 percent.

Meet with a Brownsburg Wrongful Death Attorney to Seek Justice for Your Loss

The loss of a family member is even more tragic when the cause was a third party’s carelessness and misconduct. A civil claim for compensation can hopefully provide recourse for your family and ease some of the financial burdens of a loved one’s passing. Schedule a free case review with a Brownsburg wrongful death lawyer today. Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin is ready to represent you in this difficult situation.


    Reach out to a Terre Haute Personal Injury Attorney Today

    The financial burden that often comes with a serious injury can be too much for many people to bear. Unexpected medical debt, damaged personal property, and the sudden loss of income can impact the budgets of most families. The good news is that a successful injury claim could help reduce that financial strain after a serious accident. Get in touch with a Terre Haute personal injury lawyer with Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin to learn more.

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