Negotiated settlements are typical after a person has sustained an injury in a truck crash. Most of these cases will never go to trial. While a positive outcome is never guaranteed, many injured motorists can ultimately agree to resolve a case without litigation. Our diligent truck accident attorneys could examine your case’s facts to help you understand any potential settlement options.
It is understandable if you have questions about Terre Haute truck accident settlements, as it can be a complicated legal process. Because no two cases are identical, predicting how this process might play out is impossible. However, our knowledgeable lawyers at Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin are experienced in handling these cases and could provide answers regarding your case’s value.
The injured motorist is the only person who has the power to accept an offer from a trucking company or their insurance provider. Anyone who has sustained an injury in a collision with a commercial vehicle will likely receive an offer to settle the case, but that does not mean it is a good idea to accept. It is wise to contact a practicing attorney to review the claim to ensure that the injured person receives a just settlement.
It is crucial to understand that the terms of a proposed settlement in Terre Haute will depend on a wide range of factors from the truck collision. Arguably, the most important is the extent of a person’s injuries. An injured motorist must clearly understand what this deal would mean for them, as there will not be an opportunity to ask for more money once a settlement is reached. Many people choose to avoid a trial due to the uncertainty. Even when there is a potential for a better financial outcome, the risk of losing and walking away with nothing is also present. It is a good idea to speak with knowledgeable legal counsel before making a final decision, as they are trained in understanding the nuances of settlement cases.
The parties in a Terre Haute truck accident case can reach a settlement agreement in several ways. Sometimes, a settlement will come together long before a lawsuit is filed. It can happen after the injured person sends a demand letter to the trucking company, which defines the value of an injury case and requests a specific monetary amount in exchange for permanently dropping the threat of a lawsuit.
Some cases will only conclude after a lawsuit is filed, which can happen during a stage known as discovery, where each party shares the evidence they intend to present at trial. Other agreements are not struck until the last moment. For example, the parties might settle minutes before a trial starts.
Not every offer the other side makes will be worth accepting. In many cases, the money might represent only a fraction of a claim’s value. Injured people can reject an offer and take their case to trial anytime. However, there are risks to weigh with this decision. It may be possible to recover more through a jury verdict, but a favorable outcome is never inevitable.
Resolving an injury claim after sustaining an injury in an accident can be complicated. However, a well-versed attorney could help you understand all available options for a settlement so that any necessary expenses are covered.
Let our attorneys answer your questions about Terre Haute truck accident settlements. Call our legal team at Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin immediately for a private consultation.
Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin
The financial burden that often comes with a serious injury can be too much for many people to bear. Unexpected medical debt, damaged personal property, and the sudden loss of income can impact the budgets of most families. The good news is that a successful injury claim could help reduce that financial strain after a serious accident. Get in touch with a Terre Haute personal injury lawyer with Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin to learn more.
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